Can I smoke Raspberry Leaf?

Can I smoke Raspberry Leaf? - SPLIFF


Herbal Cigarettes DIY : Smoking Raspberry Leaf

Although it's renowned for its berries, the Raspberry plant has a raspberry leaf that is one of the best smokable herb available. Smoking raspberry leaf has become increasingly popular as it is a great natural alternative to tobacco without nicotine and makes smoking enjoyable because its neutral taste and slow-burning leafy texture.

Smokable Raspberry Leaf has a very interesting history. Keep reading to find out more! 

What is Raspberry Leaf? 

You’ve probably heard about this nutritious plant that originated from Europe and parts of Asia. It has been known for centuries to be used to induce labor and help alleviate certain health problems.  

The leaves contain antioxidants, potassium, and other beneficial compounds like magnesium, calcium, and other vitamins, such as Vitamins C and B. 

How does Raspberry Leaf work? 

It is important to note that the properties of raspberry leaf as a smokable herb, both by itself or in herbal smoking mixes and herbal cigarettes have not been rigorously tested. While some "studies" from natural healing disciplines do exist, these products haven't been evaluated by health organizations or by peer reviewed scientific studies. Considering this, any company or individual marketing the potential benefits or effects on the body or mind of a smokable plant or smokable herb should be dealt with a heavy dose of skepticism as the act of inhaling any type of combustion is harmful to your body on its own, no matter what you're smoking. 

Photo by Shelby Ireland on Unsplash

In common natural remedy situations though, Raspberry leaves work by expanding blood vessels. Which increases blood flow and helps to reduce the stress on certain muscles in the pelvis, this helps to alleviate contractions, labor, and PMS.

Raspberry leaves are often recommended to people looking to leave tobacco behind and start the process of detoxification of nicotine.  

What are the uses of Raspberry Leaf?

Some of the most common uses of this widely known herb in traditional healing methods are:

Induction of Labor

As a “natural” alternative to nicotine, Raspberry leaves are commonly used among nurses to help with labor when prepared with other herbs. However, complications associated with other herbal labor stimulants were reported including early labor, prolonged uterine contractions, nausea, and vomiting. 


Premenstrual Syndrome

As mentioned, when ingested under certain conditions, Raspberry leaves can help the blood vessels ease, relaxing certain muscles in the pelvis that directly help with PMS. For that reason Raspberry leaves have been considered to be very valuable for its benefits in many cultures throughout history.

Tobacco Alternative

Raspberry leaf herbal cigarettes were introduced hundreds of years ago. There is even a historical account that the first herbal cigarettes were wrapped in smokable red raspberry leaves.

Raspberry leaves also do not contain nicotine so it can be used as an alternative for those who want to stop smoking.

As its effects in smoking blends, there is no formal scientific data that Raspberry Leaf has any tangible benefit for the human body and we certainly don’t condone mixing it with other legal or illegal substances. A lot of people are now recommending its use as a base in herbal mixes to help recreational cannabis users help reduce or better control their consumption, provide a chemical-free alternative to tobacco and dilute their marijuana to help control the effects and their budget. 

 From Vyne Health

What are the advantages of Raspberry Leaf in herbal smoking blends?

The main benefit of Raspberry Leaf in herbal smoking blends is that it offers a support flavor that rolls easily by taking volume and burns evenly and slowly to allow for a better smoking experience. It’s neutral aroma and taste allows for other herbs to take their space in the blends and does not detract from the experience the user is used to. 

Photo by Daniel Ramos on Unsplash

In low and even heavy dosages it produces no major side effects but we highly recommend any user consult a professional before smoking or consuming any herbal product. 

Raspberry Leaf in smoking blends even when mixed with other smokable herbs like Mullein might not be the right fit for you in terms of flavor and aroma. We recommend evaluating other base ingredients like smokable Tea, smokable Oregano and smokable Passionflower or more subtle flavors like smokable Mugwort and smokable Skullcap.


*This article is not to be interpreted as a statement of any form by Spliff but merely a compendium of information compiled from other sources. These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada, FDA or any other regulatory body. Consult your doctor before ingesting or smoking any herbal product.*

If you have any valuable information to add or a correction to address, please reach out to a member of our team at

Wanna learn more about Raspberry Leaf? Browse our sources below!    

Beckett, A. (2017, August 16). Healing Herbs You Can Smoke (Other Than Cannabis). Weedmaps News; Weedmaps.

Smoking blends: popular plants and herbs to smoke with cannabis. (2017, August 30). Leafly.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: Pregnancy, Benefits and Side Effects. (2018, July 30). Healthline.

Contributors, W. E. (n.d.). Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: Are There Health Benefits? WebMD. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from


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Smoking Mullein - Smokable Herbs Guides - SPLIFF
Smoking Skullcap : A Comprehensive Guide - SPLIFF

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